Friday Fictioneers: free time

Dammit, I’m addicted. Two weeks in a row and I just can’t help myself.  So here we go again with another flash fiction story challenge courtesy of the wonderful Rochelle Wishoff-fields (her story is fab, by the way!) and her ever-inventive story-telling band of Friday Fictioneers (going to check them out here just as soon as I’ve posted this) The challenge as always: using the picture prompt, write a 100 word story with a beginning, middle and end. Here goes:

Thief of Time

Now the school has closed, Alice thinks back.  Remembering how each event of the day was heralded by the bell;  how even before it was a school, the cloisters had rung with its compelling voice, calling the nuns to prayer.

Her phone chimes once.  A reminder.

It chimes again, this time two short pings. Her daughter Melissa, exhorting her not to forget her appointment.

Alice sighs. It seems her life is still regulated by bells after all.

The bright flowers outside grow wild, following their own rhythm.  Dropping her phone into their blooms, she knows they won’t be listening either.

21 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: free time

  1. Dear Nina,

    Your ending made me laugh out loud with delight.

    I’ll let you in on a little secret…not really a secret. I came into Friday Fictioneers as a participant in April of 2012. I ended up inheriting the whole shebang in October. I’ve not missed a week yet. I don’t think there’s a 12 step program for this addiction and if there was one, I wouldn’t do it. 😉 Glad you’re aboard.




  2. Nina, you’re addicted for life; it’s inevitable. 🙂 There are worse things. Lovely job on the story tying the various types of bells together and their influence on our lives. Beautifully written.



  3. I loved the repeated bells, ringing incessantly. Such a great commentary on how static and rigid and scheduled our lives have become.


    • Thank you Helena – it seems to be in our nature to want to control things not least our time and what we do with it. So we create all these external devices like bells and clocks and… now our most dearly beloved mobiles… 🙂


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